wtorek, 2 listopada 2010


Kurki budzik: Serduszek, słoneczko i Kogucik:)

faa/federal aviation association
far/federal acquisition regulation
fema/federal emergency management agency
frc/family research council
ess/eurest support services
gao/government accountability office
gsa/general services administration
hrf/human rights first
hrw/human rights watch
icdc/iraqi civil defense corps
ipoa/international peace operations association
ied/improvised explosive device/mina-pułapka
jdam/joint direct attack munition/powietrze-ziemia
kbr/kellogg brown root
laaw/light antitank assault weapon
logcap/logistics civil augmentation program
mff/michigan family forum
ntsa/national tactical officer's association
ntsb/national transportation safety board
pnac/project for a new american century
ucmj/uniform code of military justice/kodeks
pss/protective security specialist
psd/personal security detail
rpg/rocket propelled grenade
saf/small arms fire
saw/squad automatic weapon
sfoda/special forces operational detachment alpha
soa/us army school of the americas
suv/sport utility vehicle
wpps/worldwide personal protective service
swat/special weapons and tactics

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